Monday, October 20, 2008

yes, this was all about getting candy!

Tear..:(... Yes my sweet baby girl broke her arm badly! both bones in her right forearm, clean breaks. They may have to break it again to reset it. She is a trooper, and definetly has a HIGH tolerance for pain! This happened FRIDAY! its now MONDAY! about 30 min before Heidis Hulaween party, we were in the kitchen I was doing dishes and she was Begging for candy, which I told her NO and stood my ground. Well the next thing I knew she was on the Tile floor flat on her back, and a drawer was open. she must of tried to climb up herself to get to the candy dish, which we never normally have! We did the disney halloween party and have more than enough candy so I tried to have it out for Conners party to get rid of! She found it that day, and was obsessed with it! poor thing must of been in pain, but only was sensitive if it was touched, so we made her wait until Monday to see if it was just a bruise or not! We feel horrible, but she never complained! The Dr. couldnt believe she wasnt wailing in pain. I have to admit she got that from me, not Daddy! I had her all natural baby! I can tolerate pain as well, I guess we learned that from her! Shes in a splint for a couple days and then the cast! it will the girliest cast you ever saw! so much for the prepaid gymnastics classes, Im not sure about dance! We love her so much!


Jodi Jean said...

bummer!!! she sure was determined! poor thing!

Andee said...

I can't believe that! You would NEVER guess by her sweet little smiles in the pictures! I posted more on my blog if you want to check them out. There's a ton more cute ones.

Jenny C said...

Hi Kemari! How sad! Are you coming to the Halloween party Monday?

Gedge Mamma said...

Oh, poor thing. I'm sure I would have done the exact same thing. What a trooper she is though.