So here are some of the christmas trees and decorations we put up this week! It is always so much fun to blast the Christmas tunes and decorate! We love doing things as a family and as you can see the animals love it too! Roxy is usually up 8 1/2 feet on the 9 ft tree! she flattens out each branch as she goes higher which sucks, and spray bottles cant be used on her due to the electrical lights! Its been 4 years, the battles is nearing an end! DANG CAT! We are planning on just staying home this year, and hopefully my parents will come up! We shall see! This has been the best weekend with Thanksgiving and shopping! Derek has had work off since Wedns. We went bowling (I won) shopping, on a date night and to see Christmas lights amongst a million other fun things! We had Thanksgiving at Dereks sis Ginas along with his sis Kira and her fiancee Jimmy and Dereks parents! it was delicious! I ended up getting so sick and actually had a fever so it ended sucky but, the kids LOVED it with their cousins! I am sad Derek has to go back to work tomorrow, I will miss breakfast in bed! I am spoiled and sleeping in until 10! back to life and the Relief Society Christmas dinner I am in charge of on Wednsday night! It should be fun, I can deligate quite well! Although somehow I ended up giving a talk! It will be great when its over! Heidi if you read this you better have Wedns morning open for decorating at the church I'll buy lunch!!! We also decided to do the Spongebob gingerbread house this year if you were trying to make since of our creation!
Sunday, November 30, 2008
So here are some of the christmas trees and decorations we put up this week! It is always so much fun to blast the Christmas tunes and decorate! We love doing things as a family and as you can see the animals love it too! Roxy is usually up 8 1/2 feet on the 9 ft tree! she flattens out each branch as she goes higher which sucks, and spray bottles cant be used on her due to the electrical lights! Its been 4 years, the battles is nearing an end! DANG CAT! We are planning on just staying home this year, and hopefully my parents will come up! We shall see! This has been the best weekend with Thanksgiving and shopping! Derek has had work off since Wedns. We went bowling (I won) shopping, on a date night and to see Christmas lights amongst a million other fun things! We had Thanksgiving at Dereks sis Ginas along with his sis Kira and her fiancee Jimmy and Dereks parents! it was delicious! I ended up getting so sick and actually had a fever so it ended sucky but, the kids LOVED it with their cousins! I am sad Derek has to go back to work tomorrow, I will miss breakfast in bed! I am spoiled and sleeping in until 10! back to life and the Relief Society Christmas dinner I am in charge of on Wednsday night! It should be fun, I can deligate quite well! Although somehow I ended up giving a talk! It will be great when its over! Heidi if you read this you better have Wedns morning open for decorating at the church I'll buy lunch!!! We also decided to do the Spongebob gingerbread house this year if you were trying to make since of our creation!
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Friday, November 21, 2008

So I had an amazing evening last night with some friends(Heidi, Lacei and Natalie...eventually Karma) to go see the midnight showing of TWILIGHT! it was worth every second, plus we had some educational talks waiting 90 min for the show! We went to Wingers @ 9, and got sticky fingers and asphalt pie! The highlight being the movie! No one expected perfection, but as a whole we got the best parts and it left us wanting more! and definetly there will be more, just who wants to wait another year? TORTURE! Robert Pattinson pulled it off which I didn't predict, Rosalie was a bust, the worst one. I loved Bella, and even Jacob. I cant wait to drag Derek to go see it again! MORE MORE! And James was so hot, I had to post this picture!
Monday, November 17, 2008
To do list...

Well this week is a relaxing one finally! I can now get ready for my favorite time of the year! We have a SUPER fun family tradition to set up Christmas Decos after Thankgiving, usually that night! blast holiday music, bake and Derek and the kids make the gingerbread house! This year it will be Spongebobs Pineapple under the sea, it should be cute, but no one ever eats it and they take up space which I hate, but its fun for the family! We are looking forward to that more than Thanksgiving! My top 5 things to do this week.....
1. Go to the temple on Tuesday night
2. Get more Christmas shopping planned and completed!
3. Go to Kiras Shower on Sat, which is also her birthday
4. Family home evening tonight, which is our favorite... Iron Chef Dad vs. Conner battle PIZZA
5. TWILIGHT MOVIE ON THURS @ MIDNIGHT!!!! THANK YOU KARMA!!!! who else can't wait? it looks like a CW network version, but hopefully I will love it as much as the books! I am re- reading Twilight as we speak!
+1.... we are also putting up the Christmas lights this weekend while the weather is still nice!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Ready for Scouts!
Conner is so excited for his first pack meeting tonight its so cute! Derek has been CubMaster for a while now so he is just doing his duty! he was an Eagle Scout himself, so this is all old hat, I am so proud of them for going at this program! Evan and I are now going to cuddle and watch Kung Fu Panda! I also need some cred for sewing all those badges on the shirts!
Saturday, November 8, 2008
cast #2
Friday, November 7, 2008
Serenity Now!
I came across this older photo from 2007 of Derek and I's Carribean trip, this was in Haiti. Whenever, I am sick of it all and want I break I picture this place! Too bad the haitians killed the rest of their Island! Things get annoying fast for me lately! I plan on a trip back to the tropics eventually! With all the Prop 8 and election banter, I am done with.... all I can say is serenity now!
For anyone that knows we are expecting for the 6th time, 4th baby, We heard the heartbeat today, and all the levels were normal. I take this as relief through the first marker on this road! I heard both boys as well, but I am still holding high hopes and trying to have faith, its hard to find sometimes. I loved the Emma movie and it helped me a ton with my little trial here. She was a strong woman, I am embarrassed at how close I came to breaking after seeing her lose 4 full term and then twins in a row, and then another baby to disease, and move after move, and then the death of Joseph. I felt like I really can make it through all of this. I really suggest the movie and I loved the soundtrack too!
Monday, November 3, 2008
some more Halloween photos I'll go ahead and post!
I thought these were fun enough to post even though they were before the baptism! We always have fun with Chris and Heidi! It was a fun night until we lost each other! and then it was still fun! Heidi had on her blog how we love our neighborhood here and the biggest problem of the night was running into too many friends and talking all night, it was true! everybody knew eachother and it was a good place to be! We LOVE it here! Utah may have its stereotypes, and we lived it in the other cities we lived in here, especially our last ward, but Payson is magically different! i cant lie I am CRAVING Colorado, but Iknow were here forever! There are some pictures of the kids in the yard getting ready for the night! Zach, as the Pooh Bumble bee Conner was way way back and even my brother Brant giving out our candy so we could go out as a family! It was fun! We loved Heidis Chili!
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Conners Baptism day
This was the day we have been counting down to! Conner did great Derek did great! Gina and my Dads talks were great, Evan=not so great, but everything else was wonderful! I didnt take pics of the open house afterwards, but I was busy! We had both grandparent sets, Colette, Leyton, Brant, Ginas family, Kira and Jimmy, the Maloy girls, Kristie and the Ballantyne boys, Hayley Darchuck and her fiancee Boyd, and Logan and Hailey Sorensen, the primary pres, the Heimulis, and the Bishop! Kyle came afterwards, he still counts! Oh and Aunt Lesa, we had great food and fun times! the weather was 75, so the kids could be outside! Conner got 2 ties, Green and Gold scriptures, and several other gifts he is thankful for! Even our babysitter Kanyen Heimuli gave him 2 dollars, he was thrilled! I guess well be here again a yr from June when Evan turns 8, if he makes it! He was on his worst behavior that day! Were glad all of the Family and friends took their time to be with Conner yesterday!
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