Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Labor Day Weekend

I thought this was worth documenting... this is a handful of the entourage of stuff Audrey carries with her EVERYWHERE! and don't even think of touching any of it!!! 1. Yellow blanket or Striped Blankie or Pink or all 3! 2. Binkie 3. Minnie Mouse or doll or both! 4. Chocolate Milk
This is who I get to spend my days with now that the older 3 are gone at school! Its a lot of work but who wouldn't want to be with these sweet babies!! Audrey is 2 and Tyce is almost 3 mo!!!

nice and squishy and cuddly! I love 3 months old!
I am so lucky to have my little man!!!
His blessing day Sept. 4th 2011. We had a party after with family and friends, and then family pics later that day with my side of the family. It was a full and busy day!
Evan for some reason hung out behind this chair all day?!?!?
Brother in law Kyle and Dad watching Tennis, as always!!
Brother in law Jimmy and niece Jordan 8 mo.
My cousin McKenzie changing baby Jack being bombarded by the "terrible 2" Audrey and Averi!
Cousins from Fresno. Dan, Julie and Courtney! I love them! Courtney's baby Jack is 6 days younger than Tyce, we missed the picture!
Nick now driving...and Tyce! the oldest and youngest on Derek's side, so far!
Evie cuteness!!!!
My brother Brant and Natalie, LOVE THEM!!!
My Sister Colette with Tyce
Mom and Averi
Cute Brenna!

We had a full house and an awesome weekend! Can't wait to post the family pics!!!

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