Wednesday, December 15, 2010

out of no where...

Evan! my little stud! I love him! he has been so helpful this week, he is so sensitive to my emotions, but beats up on Kate all day? he is a mixed bag! He is home today and wants to help me clean up and help with Audrey! all on his own! I haven't pulled out the homework he needs to do....

Kate beauty Queen, lives to pose for pictures!

Audrey Bear! she is getting so big and talks a ton! this age is so animated, but stressful!

Out of no where...
1. I got my camera to work and thats why I practiced on my kids today (Evan is at home today!) Derek doesn't need to buy me a new one for Christmas I just need to learn what I am doing!
2. For those who follow this that do not already know, I am pregnant...again...ugh...! I am due on my 33rd birthday this year! (June 16) it was not planned or even expected, as Derek was making his appointment to be fixed, I took a test and I am pregnant! I am slowly adjusting. Dr. said yesterday the ultrasound favored a boy, but its really to early. We will know for sure Jan 11th. (pray for pink! I have SOOOO many clothes and girl toys and pink strollers, car seats bouncers etc...! I will have to buy a lot if its a boy! Plus... NO NAMES!!!)
3. Derek got a 10% raise at work!
4. Christmas is a purchased and done and we were all set for an easy week when...
5. I got a call that they (ISRR) found my Birth Parents. Seriously. Really there are not words to describe my emotional/pregnancy state right now! This was completely closed since birth, so I have known nothing until last Saturday! what a day that was! My head seriously hurt from information overload! I told my family and everything seems cool with everyone so cross your fingers!!! PLUS... I will meet her on Saturday, she is coming here! just in time for Christmas. She lives in Littleton Co. her name is Barbara. My birth dad is in Chicago his name is Paul, like my Dad's name! Keep posted as there is TONS to come! hopefully my brain isn't so scattered I forget to take pictures! Vacation is almost scheduled!! I have never needed one soooo bad! and that was just from the baby alone! Merry Christmas, I am almost positive I will be on here again before it though!!

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