Monday, April 19, 2010

Kates First Recital!

The only non-fuzzy picture! I was doing the camcorder, Derek had a very tired Audrey so I had a friend (Conners teacher) take the pics during the crazy 5 min of her on stage! I didn't have it on the right setting! Anyways her group is the Woodland Pixies who helped Hansel and Gretel find their way home (or something like that..) It was so cute to see my baby be a dancer she is so cute and fun!
This is why everyone needs atleast 1 girl! luckily I got 2! Audrey was a bear for the show which started at 7, her bedtime so by the end Derek walked her home and then I spent an hour finding Evan who really was lost but I thought he was hiding! It turned into a long night! atleast I am now familiar with the High School and Evan is terrified of it!
Since the performance was across the street at the High School we rode scooters, but she was told strictly NOT TO FALL! we didn't want the tights dirty....
in a Kate fashion this lasted 30 seconds...

After the performance with her new flowers she loves from Daddy of course! She was so cute it was a lot of fun! can't wait for her June show! I will try to have Derek put a clip up of her dance, I am not that crafty!

1 comment:

Heidi Maloy said...

These pics are SOOO cute!! That costume is perfect for Kate too!