Friday, May 15, 2009

Posting while I can!

I know I have posted my spring yard a lot with Kate, but everyday it got better!

So Kate graduated from 1st yr preschool today! Daddy took of work and met us there and then took Kate to Hogi yogi! She did so great at school this year, and will miss her other half Claire Maloy as she gets to enter Kindergarten next year!

Kate refused to put on the "boy" mask to participate in this song.... are we surprised?

Kate had a hard time wearing the graduation hat, because it ruined her hair, so her BFF Claire was awesome and prevented a fit by fixing her hair for her & putting her headband back in place!

This is Kates teacher Mrs. Amy explaining how wonderful Kate is, and how she is a total princess referring to dresses as gowns, shoes as slippers etc. things we deal w/ daily!

Claire and Kate walking out for graduation! Next year Kate will be back for 3 days a week! Yeah! We love Kate and she is such a good girl!

Kate had fun being "Kemari" and wearing my hat, I only wish I was this cute! Oh the dimples...

Kates new favorite thing vacumning when I do, her vacumn is even Yellow and looks like mine. She even hauls this upstairs, as she "cant stand messes!" Who is she around all day?

This was too funny! Every now and then the boys have some keep out sign on there doors, but Derek and I did not expect this one! To translate Evans handwriting, no girls allowed only Mom and our lovely girlfriends. They will not mention who they are, but the sign is still up! And no when the time comes their real lovely girlfriends will not be allowed in their room!

Evans dang cute 1st grade program, we were so proud of him singing! He has previously stated he only hums! SOOOO cute.

Evan heading back to class to show us his books, and writing from this year! Wouldn't wear a belt, it was either the shirt or the belt not both! I remember this fight w/ Conner last yr! He did let me comb his hair for once though.

Heres Evan at his cute desk! Oh how these days will fly by! If he would quit eating paper that would be a step ahead! you'll notice his name tag on his desk is missing some pieces. He has started doing things like this to get attention for being "funny" Didn't we all have some weird kid in our class who ate paper at some point? I cant believe its now my son!

Here is Evan and Mrs. Kirk his teacher! Its so weird that both of my boys teachers are younger than me!

Conner, Evan and Kate getting ready to take off to get treats! Evan has really done great this year! We love him so much!

1 comment:

Eaton Family said...

Your yard looks "beauty-ful" and Audrey's nursery is adorable! My boys have had a sign on their door for almost a year now..."Monsters and Ghosts not allowed" Not sure if that includes me since I can be a monster a lot of days. haha. Hope you are doing well!