Almost everyone in our family had Bronchitis this Christmas (Tyce had it with a double ear infection too) Evan and Conner were somehow spared. We had to miss the famous family party, which was sad but we did our own lazy Christmas this year. The grand Present to all was a Disneyland vacation. We leave on New Years Day. My parents will keep Tyce which is sad, but it will make it a lot easier for us. He will get to go plenty more times in the future.

Tyce was the most spoiled with tons of clothes and toys! Everyone loved seeing him open his presents! Too bad he was sick!

The girls both were into Lalaloopsy dolls this year! Audrey's looks just like her doll! They both also got a lot of clothes and books. Audrey got an easel and little people and Kate got a Barbie and another lalaloopsy. They also got a lot of other stuff...

Christmas morning 5 AM, gotta love it! Audrey was up at 8, and Tyce was up at 9

Evan got his own Air Soft gun, and loves it! He also got clothes and video games

Conner and Evan both got Ninjago Legos and cologne. They also both got a lot of candy.

Baby Tyce! So cute! He loves his squeaky Cookie Monster. (Audrey is afraid of the Cookie Monster, so hopefully this will help her get over that!)

Someone hates mornings! She was grumpy as usually but so cute!

A couple hours later she was finally happy and put on her own Lalaloopsy dress-up clothes!

Tyce 6 months old

Evan and Tyce Christmas Eve!
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