Monday, June 20, 2011

Evans 9th birthday and stuff....

Evan turned 9 today! he just had his one BF Connor over and went to the pool, movie and late night with video games. My Conner had his friend Daniel over too! it was simple and i am glad he agreed to keep it simple! Can't believe he is 9! We love you Evan!!!
Derek's elaborate birthday cake he made! love him!!!
Tyce one week...

My Mom and Tyce!
Derek and Tyce, so cute!
one last hospital picture!
My sister and some of the kids at the Hogle Zoo trying to walk Tyce out! didn't work!
Kate and Tyce!
Kate, cousin Leyton and my Mom at the Hogle Zoo
another walking Tyce out trip which didn't work the petting Zoo! Here is Evan and Audrey!

the boys!
trouble times 2!!! Averi and Audrey!

1 comment:

Ann Marie said...

Congratulations Kemari! That is so exciting! Tyce is so cute and such an angel. I think Evan is an angel too, for wanting a simple party. You needed that! What a beautiful family you guys have!