This is the car ride home! I had him at Utah Regional Medical Center in Provo. I also had Conner there 10 years ago! I loved it! I had him really fast and dialated from a 3-10cm in an hour! The drugs and anti-biotics hadn't even kicked in yet! He was born at 12:56 am on June 11th 2011. It was nice to leave but I didn't sleep much last night! I miss the nurses! (especially when they take him for the night!) It is absolutely a beautiful time of year for another birthday! I am the 16th and Evan the 20th! Fathers day is the 19th also! I am in a really good place and absolutely LOVE my little "big" family right now! Of course my parents are here to help! We will see when reality sets in! they leave Wednesday and Derek takes Thursday and Friday off. Tyce is really easy and rarely cries! He just lies down and looks around! a perfect #5!

Tyce Andrew Nielson

Kate age 6 and Tyce

My Parents and their 8th grandkid! 4th grandson!

Dad and Tyce! Andrew is after Derek's middle name and his great grandfather

Love him! who couldn't?!?!?

Conner 10 1/2 and baby Tyce Andrew! he is so cute with him!

My sweet little guy! I love him so much!! Glad for the ooppps!

All 5 of my kids!!!! Audrey only cooperated here!!! so this is the 5 kid shot for now!

Evan who turns 9 on the 20th and Tyce. We think Tyce looks most like him and Kate. A little bit more like Kate as a baby as they both have hard-core dimples!

My Mom and Audrey

Birthday girls! mostly fought the whole visit! It should be fun to see them grow together!

Cute Averi Noelle! She turns 2 on June 15th! SOOOO cute!

My sister was in town for 2 weeks from Washington and left right before I had Tyce! We got a lot of cute pictures I will post more of our adventures later, but we took a mini-photo shoot with Audrey and Averi (nightmare) they are so cute at this age! They come back in September!

The weigh in! He is my exact middle weight! Conner and Audrey were bigger, and Evan and Kate smaller! he is perfect to us @ 8#8 oz 20 " long! It was great to have him out so fast! My Dr. was great and I am DONE!!!! now on to raising them all!!!