Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Halloween time begins!

the girls doing their chores! Audrey is so happy to do anything with Kate!
The back of Audrey dancing at the party! she is in the the same Tinkerbell costume as Kate's dress up bday party, but it still fits! she was cute but super tired!!
The kids in their 2010 costumes getting ready to go to Aunt Lesas big party!
To clarify... Kate is a purple witch, Audrey Tink, Evan a Gladiator, and Conner is the Scream character...
Cute Kate!
Audrey and I, we couldn't get her to stand still for a picture on her own!!
Derek's sister Kira and Jimmy as Juno! hilarious!
Kate with Brenna, Gina and Kylie at the family party! cute huh?!?!
Audrey doing her best "Bear" face! she is so much fun!
Silly girls! Kate went all out for crazy hair day at school!
Kate and her friend Maibel with twin crazy hair! heading off to Kindergarten! the other days for Red Ribbon week were.. wear red, formal day (which my boys laughed at..) school spirit day and pj day.. its always a rougher morning getting the kids off to school but they love it! and crazy hair day fell on football pictures this year and last! oh well!!
Maibel's Mom Emma did the girls hair that day it was a lot of work! and hard to take down! she is so good with hair!

1 comment:

Damon's Girl said...

Cute kids! Love the crazy hair day hair! Ours is this Friday, we'll see what we come up with!