Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Onion Days 2009

my girls at the fair
Heidi and Chris Maloy our neighbors and good friends

Audrey chillin at the Pig wrestling...

Kate on the roller coaster, she loves all the fast rides

This is my neice Kylie actually wrestling a pig w/ her group the Fancy Nancy's, she even had a broken leg!

Derek and I at the Fair

Audrey and Daddy, she wasnt very photogenic for Onion Days, just kinda drooling and making pooping faces...
Heidi and I

Evan, Conner and Logan, Conners other half at the fair...we never really could catch up with them again to take pictures, Conner eneded up sick from the rides that night and missed fireworks!

Kates first day of preschool this year!


Colette said...

Cute looks like fun! Your hair is getting long..I like it!

Heidi Maloy said...

Cute, fun pics!! Fun people, fun night!