Thursday, January 22, 2009

Whenever there is a cloud, there is a silver lining...

I attempted to take a ton of pictures in St George last weekend, I took this one and then the battery died! This is our new favorite park in the Coral Canyon area, we always stop before the drive home to let the kids wear out! It was so nice there in the 60s and the green grass made my Spring Fever kick in way early! It was fun, we came home early for another Drs appt and sonogram and everything is going perfectly! We feel so blessed through this all! I have never lived with such a haze over me as this past yr! I thought you're supposed to be depressed after losses like ours and I battled through. Well it seems as though things are getting normal now, I didn't know how far off I was until now looking back! I gained annoying weight and gave up on a lot. I feel myself as of this past week, and not letting the gripping fear of another loss control me! Maybe it was the nice weather, the ultrasound and just life coming together so well but I thank the Lord daily for everything I have, I am so thankful for Him in my life, how else can you cope? An old friend of mine took his life last week, and it broke my heart. He was a Father and friend to so many. I know that dark place of depression now, I never thought I would be so low (not suicidal, just not myself!) I wish I could of talked to him. You can't help but wonder the perspective he has now. On a happier note I am getting really excited for our anniversary trip in a few weeks to Colorado! Our 10th was supposed to be more exotic, but I need to be closer to home now, so we are going home! Its been 6 years! I cant wait to see the changes and the old standbys! Oh... and Colette is having her girl 2 weeks after me! cant wait! It'll be so fun! We already have our names picted out and they sound so cute together! If you don't know I am 8 mo older than her (due to adoption, yes it is the story of my Mom found out she was prego 1 week after they got me) and we had fun baby pictures together... Me, the "healthy," bald, robust one and her the 5 pound ball of hair, Its gonna be fun for round 2!


Heidi Maloy said...

Yeah, it's so nice when you can feel yourself, eh? Glad to know you are doing better... always fun to read about the little blessings too. Talk to you later.

Gedge Mamma said...

I'm sorry to hear about your friend, but happy to hear you and the baby are doing good. We can't wait to see you when you come to Denver. The 13th will be fine. email me at see you soon.

Katherine said...

So what are you going to name her?

Kemari said...

Our girls name is Audrey Lyn Nielson and my sister Colettes will be Averi Noelle Beauchamp~ So Audrey and Averi! when do you find out?

Katherine said...

My ultrasound is Feb 17th. I am really excited! Glad everything is going well for you guys!

Cute name. There was a little girl in Boise named Audrey - she was darling and so i have liked that name since! :)