For Halloween, I was a Mom in a new Suburban... and the wife of the BEST HUSBAND EVER! not just because of this, but pretty close! He also takes Tyce on the weekends ;)

Conner was not too creative this year, and regretted it later! He wore his air-soft gear! I did a big "I told you so" after school when he got in the car and wished he was 30 different things! there's always next year!

Kate was a Bee! this was her best picture, she was in too big of a hurry to cooperate! and I forgot the camera for the family party! doesn't she look 14 here? I was annoying her?!?! when did this happen??

Audrey was a Strawberry and so stinkin' cute!

Evan was a broncos fan/gangster/ I really can't place it! by the end of the night he threw on his helmet and was just a football player. PS: we bought the Tebow jersey before the horrible game on Sunday...

Tyce was the cutest Tiger ever! He hated the costume, but we at least got one shot! He is officially on his 3rd ear infection :( he is looking at tubes soon, and I hope I am looking at some sleep soon! it was a great Halloween and the snow didn't hit until today, so it was wonderful! I love that its over! Is that bad? it is just so much work getting 5 kids ready for 5 parties! onto the holidays!!! Tyce's illnesses made it hard for me to go get costumes for Derek and I. We took the year off. Next years are going to rule!!!