World Cup 2010 Nederlands and Spain (Spain won 1-0) we celebrated as Dutch as we could though! Derek had Cheeses and we put a flag out! he missies it there! it was still fun having someone to root for in a sport we never watch! it just made us want to visit there more!

Cute Oranje (dutch nat'l color is orange...) Audrey!

we had fun getting into it! maybe next time!!!!

We just barely got back from Kennewick Washington! My Mom and my 4 kids and I drove the LONG journey 11-12 hrs but we endured! We had a lot of laughs and fun seeing The Beauchamps! Kate loved playing and bossing around Leyton, and Audrey and Averi got into everything! they were SOOO cute! We say movies, fireworks, swam in pools and the river! This photo is one Conner took of Audrey at Colettes house! It hink my Mom in the background is funny! we never got a break! She must of snuck one in!

Mom Colette and Averi at 2 Rivers park in Kennewick, its where the Snake and Columbia rivers connect...

The kids favorite was making Slime with Colette! so fun and surprisingly clean!!!! I have the recipe if anyone wants it! here is Kate and Leyton

Audrey made her way to the river banks!

cute cousins! Boy! I wish I had a stroller that day!!!!

The boys SLiMe results!

The Columbia River Temple

Colette, Mom, Averi and Evan (under towel..) at the splash pad!

The boys making their way into the river!

Colette with babies at the splash pad

My boys reaction to the splash pad... BORING! hence the towels draped over their heads!

Kate had her 1st year of Tball and did great! She got in trouble for catching every ball! shes aggressive!

We also completed swim lessons and they all loved it!

This is just Audrey at the pool, she will start next year!



more Kate Tball her team was called Slate Gray!

Evan did great he was on the Reds! (was an amazing catcher!!)

He also had his 8th birthday and got baptised! (his bday party pics are on my phone from laser assault, so stay tuned!!) its has been a crazy SuMmER!!!! He was so cute we LOVE him!

I cant believe its been 8 years! they haven't been the easiest, but we love all of them and adore Evan he is so sweet! We are so proud of his straight A's! and his decision to be baptised! It was the 3rd of July and a lot of people were out of town! We appreciate the Bramwells and my Parents driving here for this! And Gina and her kids as always!

Our family afterwards!

Our wondeful families who showed up for the big event! Evan was happy to have you there!

Kate and her reason for living Claire Maloy!

Evans cute bday present to me! his clean room, without me asking!

He took me upstairs and this was on his door! It was so cute!

So more of my bday fun! I have the best husband and kids!

Heidi Maloy at the shower we threw for our good friend Michelle Charles in early June! We had a lot of food and fun!

Michelle and Dagans shower!
It has been super busy and getting busier! we are still going to St George, Utah and Colorado! I hope to keep up!